EU and EU elections
The European Union, or EU, is a unique economic and political union consisting of 27 nation states.
The EU was founded in 1992. There are around 450 million people living in the EU.
The six core values of the EU are human dignity, freedom, equality, democracy, the rule of law and human rights. The EU promotes these values in its own region and globally. Voting in EU elections is therefore important.

Young people vote less than other age groups. Therefore, the voice of young people is not heard in decision-making as well as it could be.
In these elections, the future of the EU is decided together. By voting, you can express what is important to you and vote for a candidate who agrees with you.

In Finland, the election day is 9 June. So use your vote.
The European Parliament
The European Parliament adopts laws that affect everyone: large and small EU countries and their citizens, large corporations and startups globally and locally.
There are many important aspects covered by EU legislation, such as the environment, safety, consumer rights and economy.
In the elections, 720 Members of the European Parliament will be elected, 15 of whom are from Finland.
Members from different countries are organised in the Parliament by political groups, not by nationality. There were eight groups this term.

Every important domestic topic also has a European perspective. Your vote will determine who will be elected to represent you in the European Parliament.